

March 2020


A Stranger's Coming…

There is a comet headed this way, but, since it is coming from so far away, it will take it a bit to get to our neighborhood. Named Comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS), this visitor is heading into our Solar System from the constellation Cassiopeia. Knowing its parent constellation gives us a little bit of information about this stranger.

Queen Cassiopeia, mother of Andromeda, is famous for bragging on her daughter's beauty and thus irritating the gods. For her vanity, she was punished by being tied to her throne and hung upside down forever near the northern pole star. Andromeda was taken to be sacrificed to the Kraken, but was saved from death by Perseus, the same guy who killed Medusa. ANYWAY, the comet's coming from Cassiopeia's constellation forewarns us of that old adage that "pride goeth before a fall." What is perceived now as beautiful and glamorous may well be overturned and disempowered in the months to come.


Comets are perceived as harbingers. Oracles. Omens. And most often, they bring bad news. Consider how the dinosaurs would tell the tale of the comet who visited them!

Many reports through history refer to the shape of the comet's tail for clues about what it will bring. Most celestial bodies travel across the sky at regular, predictable intervals. Comets' movements, however, are erratic and unpredictable. Because of the law of As Above, So Below, there is a correlation between what is seen in the Heavens and what is seen on Earth. What that correlation will be is not something Science can measure, but it is something oracles have warned about and historians have written about.


Comets' influence on cultures is not limited simply to tales of myth and legend. Comets have been blamed for some of history's darkest times. In Switzerland, Halley's Comet was blamed for earthquakes, illnesses, red rain, and even the births of two-headed animals. The Romans recorded that a fiery comet marked the assassination of Julius Caesar, and another was blamed for the extreme bloodshed during the battle between Pompey and Caesar. In England, Halley's Comet was blamed for bringing the Black Death. The Incas, in South America, recorded a comet foreshadowing Pizarro's arrival just days before he brutally slaughtered them to take their gold. Comets and disaster became so intertwined that Pope Calixtus III even excommunicated Halley's Comet as an instrument of the devil, and a meteorite, from a comet, became enshrined as one of the most venerated objects in all of Islam. Were it not for a Chinese affinity for meticulous record keeping, a true understanding of comets may never have been reached.


Unlike their Western counterparts, Chinese astronomers kept extensive records on the appearances, paths, and disappearances of hundreds of comets. Extensive comet atlases have been found dating back to the Han Dynasty, which describe comets as "long-tailed pheasant stars" or "broom stars" and associate the different cometary forms with different disasters. Although the Chinese also regarded comets as "vile stars," their extensive records allowed later astronomers to determine the true nature of comets.


Although people no longer cringe at the sight of a comet, these visitors still inspire fear from Hollywood to doomsday cults. The United States set up the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program specifically to guard us from these "divine" dangers. However, although they were once regarded as omens of disaster, and messengers of the god(s), today a scientific approach has helped allay such concerns. It is science and reason that have led us to explore the data delivered by each comet. But it is philosophy that allows the correlation of fiery visitors in the skies bringing trouble in their wake.

The comet is not headed for Earth, but it is passing through our skies. Whether we are aware of it or not, it affects us. Knowing what is going on helps you to understand that this Spring and Summer may have a bit of mischief mixed in and what is causing that won't be Mercury in Retrograde.

Astronomy and astrology will tell you that at the end of March there will be a conjunction of Mars and Pluto. This pairing is likely to stir up trouble, just like gangs and alcohol or angry people with weapons or a lit cigarette in a fireworks factory. Don't look for trouble, but be prepared for trouble.


2020 Feng Shui Workshops:
The Dance of the Celestial Animals

The Green Dragon Cha-Cha and Cha-Ching Workshop will be presented on March 8th with a focus on the Green Dragon and its flow of wealth, abundance, and fortunate blessings. The Spring Equinox arrives as the upward surge of youthful vitality thrusts upward toward the Sun and the Green Dragon Soars!

Explore how to use the energies of the season to your benefit. The Wood element of the Green Dragon supports both the Family and Friends gua and the Wealth and Fortunate Blessings gua. Discover how to enhance both of these areas of your life as the light of the Sun pours into our days with the balancing of the Equinox. Feng Shui support will add cash to your accounts and blessings to your life!

My Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2020 Planning Calendar (Available on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks) reveals that the time flow now slips into the Fixed quality of Wood as it surges up to the Sun and shares the sweet scents of its flowers. The Dragon's Wood element is running strong and true, bringing green back to the grass, leaves back to the trees, and babies everywhere! Step into the cha-cha of the Dragon as it dances into the skies, attracting mates, money, and miracles!

Join me live in Houston/Bellaire, Texas or online via Zoom from wherever you are, Sunday, March 8th, from 1:30-3PM and learn to cha-cha and cha-ching with the Dragon. Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop and the Wheel of the Year Practical Magic Workshop of March 29th, and save 10%.

The Practical Magic Workshop for Beltane will bring us together for a special fire ceremony, the March Manumission Ritual, that will free you from any and all vows taken by your ancestors, no matter how long ago. This ritual will release you from the drive to constantly workandworkandworkandworkandwork and never be satisfied with your efforts. Nothing is ever enough. YOU are never enough. Well, that is enough of this nonsense!

Join the Workshop and take back your ownership of your self. Reclaim your power and thrill to the celebration of your freedom. We will also begin a study of Flower Magic so you will know which flowers bring what influence to your environment. Those attending virtually will need to print out pages I send and have access to a place to burn the Release of Vows outside later. REGISTER EARLY and I'll mail you the VaVoom Powder to flash your flames!

Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience.

Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Those who attend live have their materials provided. I send those who attend online a list of materials to gather before the workshop. Register at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops or http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.

More information here

Want More Feng Shui & Moon Magic?

If you want more Feng Shui & Moon Magic fun, the original books are available on Amazon. Feng Shui & Moon Magic and the Feng Shui & Moon Magic MMXX Planning Calendar are both only $25. GREAT gifts for starting your magical life. Find them and all my books on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks

AND all twelve of the 2019 Feng Shui & Moon Magic Workshops are available from my library at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html


Quit Talking About What You DON'T Want!

You must quit telling the same sad story of the horrid thing that happened to you so long ago and start telling the spectacular story of how things are changing because you are making new choices. Tell the story with lots of passion and pride because you are making this happen. Talk about how wonderful it already is and how things are going to get even better.

Give not one word to support the passing things you don't want any more. Starve that wolf to death! Turn your attention to what you DO want. Feed that your energy. Energy follows thought. Force follows attention. The speed with which you begin to manifest your vision will build as you add layers and layers of words and choices to its creation. Recognition creates relationship. As you expect wonderful things to happen you begin to see evidence that they are, in fact, coming to pass. You truly have had most of everything you ever wished for manifest in your life, and the stuff you didn't get, you were likely thankful for unanswered prayers!

If you don't want a particular candidate to be your president, quit talking about that candidate every dang day! Don't gossip about that candidate, post on social media about that candidate, or surf the news channels for dirt on that candidate. Just stop it! Talk about the candidate you DO want. If you don't want your kids to screw up, talk about how well they do. If you don't want to strike out, talk about how you're going to hit a home run. If you don't want to be fired, talk about how much you enjoy your work. Are you getting the picture here?

Your thoughts and words work in collaboration to create the life you are experiencing. Don't like your life? Change your thoughts. Change your words. Change your focus to what you DO want. Turn away from the folks who make you crazy. Turn away from the memories that drain the life out of you. Take control of your monkey mind and choose to think about the life you DO want to create!

Button Text

When you ask for something, you must believe in yourself enough to receive it. If you don't believe in you or your dreams, then your doubts destroy them before they are ever born. But it is YOUR doubts. You can change your mind about those doubts. Stay in a state of gratitude and attract everything you ask for. Believe you are creating the life of your dreams. Believe you are worthy to receive, and you shall. The goodies won't be delivered by Leprechauns either. It will be you that does it! But you will have to believe you are worthy and that it can and will happen. If not, then you create the opposite of what you DO want. It's all you, my friend, creating your life.


Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Green Dragon Eyebrow Gouges…

The Green Dragon reveals signs of trouble with the Hanging Blade, a deep line between the brows. There is a knife in the heart of this Dragon from the father/authority figure in this person’s childhood and lots of suppressed rage. It is likely the dominant parent either had anger issues or was emotionally unavailable. Because of the lack of encouraging and supportive flow from parent to child, this Dragon is wounded. There is a major block in the Wood chi that needs to be resolved. Look to enhance both the Water and Wood elements in their Family and Friends gua.


A faint line between the brows is called a Hanging Needle. Just enough to poke the Dragon, but not enough to slay it, the mark suggests a struggle to summon the needed strength to achieve the desired height of flight. When hampered like this, there can be others who take advantage because of the inability to soar in their full power. Look to enhance the Knowledge and Self-Improvement gua’s Earth element, and then the Wood element can thrive. First recommendation: have them take full mineral supplements - not grocery store vitamins. Then take baths in mineral/Epsom salts.

With both the Hanging Needle and Blade, there is a strong sense of waiting for the guillotine to drop until the person takes back their own power and deals with the issues.

Double lines indicate a tendency toward repressed anger and frustration, which may simply manifest as irritability and impatience. There is an inner tension that comes from struggling with solution seeking. The double lines between the brows always reveal the Wood element in a person’s nature is blocked and backed up, and they are not happy about their inability to break through.

No plastic surgery or botox will resolve the tension. Only time in Nature can alleviate the push/pull stress that digs the lines into the brow. Go outside and play for at least 30 minutes every day - rain or shine; hot or cold. Just like plants, these people need sunlight to nourish their Wood element. If the lines are there, the problem hasn't been resolved. When the lines are gone, the Wood energy is unblocked and flows freely.


Want More Feng Shui Fun?

I use photos of places I visit or images I find online or in print to create teaching moments that share Feng Shui wisdom. I publish them every day of the year except Christmas. Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.


Spring Equinox Energy Clearing Workshop:

March 16, 2019 - Register by March 9 and Save!

You can hire me or someone else to come in and clear out Winter's stale stagnation and the stuck-ness of your life, or you can learn to do it for yourself! This Spring Equinox Energy Clearing Workshop is centered around the element of Earth. She is waking up and we are smelling the roses. The Sun has returned to its focal point at the Equator and moves again towards the Northern Hemisphere. It’s time now to clean and clear and get everything fresh as a daisy. Later, it will be too hot and you will be too busy outside and on vacation to get to this. Prepare your home to host your family's growing season!

Explore these energy clearing methods and tools so you'll have them when you need them:

  • Spring Cleaning to Honor Your Space
  • Spring Happy House Blessing
  • Harmonizing Homes with Hot Cross Buns
  • Mixing Herbal Salts for Well-being
  • Conjuring Salt Spell for Empowerment
  • Kitchen Magic Banishing Bulbs
  • Burying Crystals to Clear Their Energy
  • Tree Blessing Charm for a Happy Home
  • Weaving a Witch’s Ladder of Protection
  • The Phoenix Egg Resurrection Ritual
  • Eggs-tra Ordinary People Exorcism Ritual
  • Cleaning & Cleansing After Death
  • Cleaning & Cleansing After Divorce
  • Using Rescue Remedy to Banish Overwhelm
  • God’s Magic Box Frees You From Worry
  • Consecrating Bedrooms with Angel Support
  • Attraction Action Drawing Potion
  • Celebrating Beltane with a Bonfire & Vow

We will go through many levels of the most basic magic and make sure you understand and remember just how powerful you are. Watch your family stand back in wonder as you change the energy in your home with a whisk of a broom and the scent of something yummy baking in the oven. Enjoy flexing your magic muscles inside and outside the house. Delve into death and divorce clearing. Celebrate the end of Springtime and the coming of Summer with the fiery fun of a Beltane bonfire and a vow of intention.

LOTS of great ways to save!

Attendees receive a copy of my book, Energy Clearing by the Cycles of the Seasons and all course materials. Register early and save $23! Tuition for one is $222. (Retake the workshop any time for only $99) Bring pals and everyone saves! Tuition for two is only $333. Tuition for three is only $444. Register today at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/EnergyClearingWorkshops.html


March's Major Magical Moment

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 10:50 p.m. Central Time, the Northern Hemisphere welcomes Spring with the arrival of the vernal equinox. If this seems early to you, you’re right! In fact, this is the earliest the Vernal Equinox has occurred in 124 years.

Traditionally, we celebrate the first day of Spring on March 21, but astronomers now say that Spring starts on March 20th, in all time zones in North America. And in 2020, it’s even a day earlier than that—something that hasn’t happened since 1896. Snow, sleet, or sunshine, Spring officially starts on March 19th.


Just a few days later, on March 24th, there is a new Moon in Pisces. The Sun enters Pisces to begin Spring with the Vernal Equinox. And Neptune, the ruling planet for Pisces, is also in residence.

The Moon influences our emotions, the Sun influences our logic, and Neptune influences our dreams and aspirations. This is a lovely mix of Water (Moon and Neptune) and Fire (Sun)! From these two elements, anything can happen.

Use the days from March 19-24 to plant the seeds of what you intend to manifest in 2020. These are the days that everything favors whatever you choose! Go for the biggest dream you can imagine. Don't tell anyone about it who may stomp on your dreams. Consider the all things are possible and money is no object… and spend at least 20 minutes in a daydream state thrilling to your vision unfolding.


Remembering Garden Magic (Excerpt)

In case you’ve never been introduced, let me tell you a bit about the Elementals. Everything material exists also at an energetic level that is unseen. Just like thoughts become things, the Elementals give potential energy form and substance. Without them, there is only ether.

There are four kinds of Elementals. Each is responsible for a different element: Earth is in the care of the Gnomes. Air is handled by the Sylphs. Water is under the direction of the Undines. Fire is choreographed by the Salamanders.

Each element has a life force of its own. While not physical in the way humans are physical, Elementals exist to manifest the physical world. They are beings which occupy a place between humans and spirits. They are neither human nor spirit, jet are composed of spiritual essence of their element.

It is possible for us to communicate with Elementals, but this communication does not use words. They are more aware of you than you are of them because it is their purpose to support you and your environment. If you want to interact with them, demonstrate your respect and appreciation for them. Start by providing them and their environments some support. You’ll know what to do.

You are warned never to betray the trust of the Elementals. So long as you serve others, the Elementals will serve you. Deceive them, betray them or seek selfish aims and experience their unrelenting fury.

Build a complete trust with Elementals. They will come and work with you and be with you for the rest of your life. They also benefit from this connection by gaining experiences through you. If this happens to you, spend a bit of time building a relationship with them. Ask them to tell you about their realm and share their wisdom. They enjoy being given tasks and working with you. Honor them all at Midsummer by celebrating the beauty and harmony of Nature.

Gnomes dwell in the earth and are always found close to the earth. (Their name is likely from the Greek genomus, meaning earth dweller.) Some gnomes, called pygmies, work with stones, gems, and metals and are said to guard hidden treasures. The sylvestres, satyrs, dryads, durdalis, elves, brownies, and little old men of the woods are called tree and forest sprites, but they too are gnomes. They are of the North.

Every shrub and flower has its own gnome, which often uses the physical body of the plant as its home. Thus they live and die with the plants of which they are a part. On behalf of the plant in which they live, they accept or reject food elements, deposit coloring matter therein, preserve and protect the seeds, and perform many other beneficial tasks.

Each species of plant is served by a different type of gnome. Great trees have much larger gnomes than smaller plants. Those working with poisonous plants are often offensive in their appearance. If a plant is cut down, the gnome stays with it. As long as there is the slightest evidence of life within, it shows the presence of the gnome guardian.

When gnomes are working with humans or animals, their work is confined to the tissues corresponding to their own kingdom. Calcium is a mineral. If you break a bone, it is the gnomes who oversee the mend. Want more energy? Speak to the gnomes in charge of the iron in your blood. Want your grass to get greener? Address the gnomes in charge of the phosphorous and potassium.

Gnomes are ruled by their king, Gob, whom they dearly love and revere. His subjects are often called goblins. Gnomes marry and have families. Female gnomes are called gnomides. Some wear clothing woven of the element in which they live. Others wear garments that are part of them and grow with them, like the fur of animals. They are said to have insatiable appetites and to spend most of their time eating. They earn their food by diligent and conscientious labor.

Most gnomes have a tendency to hoard. They build stores of treasures in secret places. There is abundant evidence young children can see the gnomes. Most frequently seen are the brownie or elf. These are mischievous little creatures, less than 18 inches tall. Most appear dressed in green or russet brown. They often have long white beards and a round belly. They are seen scampering out of tree stumps and sometimes vanish by actually dissolving into the tree itself.

Gnomes are ingenious, friendly to humans, and easy to work with when there is mutual respect and appreciation. They are helpful with all forms of protection, whether you ask them to help you find a lost object or acquire money. They are helpful in gardening and securing your property.



For the rest of this lesson and information about the Sylphs, Salamanders, and Undines, order the workshop audio and materials, including two bonuses: Garden Magic Minis and the Magic of Flowers. Available on my website at bit.ly/PracticalMagicWorkshops for only $20. Buy THREE and GET ONE FREE!


Train as a Professional with a Professional…
Spring Session: March 30–April 3

Whether you wish to establish your own practice as a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, enhance a career in Real Estate or Interior Design, or create the environment that supports your life and dreams, Tomorrow's Key Professional Training Program ensures your strong foundation for the future. You step out day one of training as a Professional Feng Shui Practitioner, performing Tibetan transcendental energy shifts for both residential and commercial clients at my side, with full back up as you get your balance.

Give yourself the gift of the wisdom you need to take 100% control of your environment! Register today for the next training session, March 30–April 3, August or December's training, or enjoy training days according to your calendar with training On Demand. Call today to set up your own week of training!

You join me for a week of hands on experience, performing Feng Shui evaluations and consultation, as well as transcendental cures, both live and virtually for distance clients. You will learn to explore the lines of geopathic stress using maps, identify their impact on the environment, and locate their point of expression. You receive a rich collection of information to take with you in your Professional Feng Shui Practitioner Resource Guide. The very first day of training you will begin using divination through the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, to know more about what you're stepping into than your senses can tell you. You learn to explore and impact environmental energy in physical and metaphysical frequencies using your hands, tuning forks, and intuitive knowing. All this and much more adventure to be had in the Tomorrow's Key school of Professional Feng Shui Practitioner Training. You graduate with full certification for your new career!

There are intermediate and advanced workshops to grow into, as well as a daily blog to keep your wisdom fresh every day. For much more information, please visit my website at bit.ly/ProFSTraining or call 713-952-5429.


Nature of the Soul Opens in April

In all times and places, each culture had their Mystery Schools and Traditions. These Esoteric Paths of Training reached beyond Morality and Philosophy to that Spiritual Alchemy which transformed the Spiritual Seeker into a Conscious Co-Creator, and empowered them to take up the work of Spiritual Evolution upon this Planet.

The internal disciplines of Visualization, Concentration and, at last, real Meditation, were designed to produce those evolutionary changes and growth within the brain, which allowed the indwelling Consciousness greater perception and creativity within the arena of matter.

The title of Adept or Master meant the mastery of mental, emotional and physical matter. This was not abandonment, but the joyful recreation of our world into harmony with the Divine Plan.

This class, The Nature of the Soul, provides in-depth training in this Art and Science. Step by step, via progressive techniques, the student will be instructed in those practices which will unfold the Soul within the Personality, and which will allow that Soul to take up its Service within our World.

Although this training lasts about two years, the student is encouraged to attend only as long as he or she is learning and growing. The techniques taught are a synthesis of Eastern and Western Mystery Tradition, but are especially designed for the Western Student. Subjects included in this training are Esoteric Anatomy, Planetary History, Rays and Initiations, Transmutation, Conscious Creativity, and Service.

You are most welcome to join us in the unfolding of The Nature of the Soul.

THE NEXT SESSION WILL OPEN IN APRIL, 2020. For more information or to register, please visit https://www.tomorrowskey.com/NatureOfTheSoul.html


Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429